Rainbow Connected Compliance & GDPR


We only use data for the purpose that it was intended. We never cold call, and only contact for marketing if explicit consent is given. Whether its live, historic or purchased data we always follow our due diligence procedures in order to maintain full compliance with the data we are processing.

Quality Leads

Rainbow pre-qualify leads before transferring them through for a quote. This enables us to firstly check the data is correct and up to date, and allowing the Data Subject to amend any information. Secondly it lets us match the Data Subjects requirements with the Insurer that best suits them, ensuring quality leads are delivered and benefiting both parties.

Privacy By Design

As we have designed our own bespoke C@C system, we have been able to make sure that GDPR is at the forefront of our continued development. We are able to record and report Data Subjects preferences for contact, emailing our Privacy Notice with a click of a button, along with anonymisation when opting out.

Data Subject Rights

Full transparency is our goal, all Data Subjects have full rights under GDPR, and Rainbow has procedures in place to fulfil any data requests promptly. Our system allows us to trace a leads origin and report back any linked leads allowing for full disclosure.

Breaches & Alerts

Security is always our top priority, our IT team work tirelessly to ensure personal data is in safe hands. However, we also understand that no one is infallible and we have procedures in place should a data breach occur. Rainbow is equipped to report any attempted or actual data breaches to the Data Subjects, the lead sources and the ICO.


As well as our in house team we also work closely with Ecompli to ensure full FCA and GDPR compliance.


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